
No Matter What/How/Whether/If Exercises to Practice Free

Tick the correct options to complete the no matter what/how/whether/if exercises.


#1. No matter ………… he never gets appreciation.

The formation of the sentence is “No matter plus (how/why/what) plus adjective/adverb (well) plus clause (sentence), and then the main clause (sentence)

#2. No matter ………… I will not stay with you.

#3. No matter ………… I don’t bother.

The formation of the sentence right after “no matter” will never be in question format like “who are you”, it should be “who you are”.

#4. No matter ………… I have made my decision.

When there are two situations to choose between one, we can use “no matter whether….. or………….”

#5. No matter………… he will not serve people.

When a sentence starts with “no matter if”, we use only one option. Don’t make choices by adding “or”.

#6. I will complete this task, no matter……..

After “no matter” we use a present tense to refer future. So, we shouldn’t use “will”.

#7. No matter ………… I wouldn’t trust her.

#8. No matter ………… I will wait for it.

#9. ………… no matter how poor she is.

The main clause (I respect) is incomplete till you add an object (her).

#10. ………… no matter how rude he is.


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