Preposition Exercises10 Most Common Mistakes in PrepositionadminNovember 12, 2023 by adminNovember 12, 202301317 Identify the correct preposition from the given options....
AdjectivesTypes of Adjectives ExercisesadminOctober 2, 2023 by adminOctober 2, 202301362 Choose the correct adjectives and identify their types which are in the bracket. ...
AdjectivesIdentify Adjective ExercisesadminOctober 2, 2023October 2, 2023 by adminOctober 2, 2023October 2, 202301161 In the given sentences identify the adjectives...
Preposition ExercisesCommon Preposition Mistakes & ExercisesadminSeptember 9, 2023September 10, 2023 by adminSeptember 9, 2023September 10, 202302269 Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions...
Verbs ExercisesPhrasal Verb Starting with Burn- Exercises and MeaningadminAugust 6, 2023August 6, 2023 by adminAugust 6, 2023August 6, 202301242 Phrasal Verb Meaning Burn Down Destroy of a structure or building by fire Burn Away Disappear as a result of burning Burn Out Stop burning...
Verbs ExercisesCall Phrasal Verb Exercises with MeaningadminJune 11, 2023June 11, 2023 by adminJune 11, 2023June 11, 202301665 Pharasal Verbs Usage Call somone in To ask someone to come for help in a difficult situation To request that someone come to you...
Preposition ExercisesUse of in & On for Means of Transport – Magical RulesadminJune 7, 2023June 4, 2023 by adminJune 7, 2023June 4, 202301263 Situation Use When we stand and and walk in the vehicle on When can’t stand and bent to get in in Fill in the blanks...
Preposition ExercisesMagical Tips to Use Made of and Made FromadminJune 4, 2023June 4, 2023 by adminJune 4, 2023June 4, 20230891 Situation Use When you don’t alter an object into its original form From When you get back the altered object to its original form of...
Preposition ExercisesMagical Tips to Use On, Above and OveradminJune 2, 2023June 4, 2023 by adminJune 2, 2023June 4, 20230733 Situation Use Reason If an object is kept on a surface On Because it is touching the surface If something is moving on something over...
Verbs ExercisesPhrasal Verb with Bring Exercises PDFadminMay 23, 2023May 21, 2023 by adminMay 23, 2023May 21, 20230956 Phrasal Verb Meaning Bring about make something happen (transformations, construction, awareness, or understanding) Bring under to control something Bring round regain consciousness, convince...