Common Errors

Noun Error Practice Set PDF for Bank & Other Competitive Exams

Find out the correct options for the noun errors. Providing you with the noun error practice set PDF for bank and other competitive exams. Download it.

1. The moon shed her light on the bank.

The Moon, The Earth, Nature, spring, car, city, country,… are nouns. When we use them to define beauty, gracefulness, and gentleness, we consider them Feminine Gender and use Singular Pronoun- she, her, and herself with them
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shed her light

2. A lady-doctor is examining the patient.

The word “Woman” denotes to sex or gender instead of “lady”
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3. The sun shot his bright rays.

The Sun, winter, thunderbird, Ocean, and wine are nouns. When they denote strength, firmness, or energy, they are considered as Masculine Gender, and we use singular pronouns- he, him, his, and herself with them.
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shot his bright

4. Death always knows its victim.

The Sun, winter, thunderbird, Ocean, death, and wine are nouns. When they are related to strength, firmness, or energy, they are known as Masculine Gender. Use singular pronouns- he, him, his, and herself with them.
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knows his victim

5. Every student should do their duty.

Each, every, either, and neither are common gender pronouns, use masculine singular pronouns (he, him, his, or himself) when you are not sure about the gender.
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should do his duty

6. Neither of them has done his task.

Each, every, either, and neither are distributive pronouns and common gender pronouns. We use masculine singular pronouns (he, him, his, or himself) with them when the gender is unknown.
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done his task

7. These girls are fashionable, each one has her purse full of cosmetics.

Each, every, either, and neither are common gender pronouns for which we use masculine singular pronouns (he, him, his, or himself) when the gender is unknown. When the gender is known, we use the pronoun relevant to the gender.
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has her purse

8. Everyone should complete their duty on time.

Someone, everyone, anyone, no one, everybody, anybody, nobody, and somebody are common gender pronouns for which we typically use masculine singular pronouns like he, him, his, and himself.
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complete his duty

9. The child has broken its toys.

Child, infant, and baby are used as common gender nouns for which we cannot guess the gender. Therefore, we use neuter gender pronouns like it, itself, and its.
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broken its toys

10. The committee will submit its report next month.

With collective nouns like team, committee, and group, we use Neuter Gender means it, itself, and its.
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submit its report

Download the noun error practice set PDF for bank and other competitive exams!

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