Common Errors

Noun Error Detection Quiz to Practice Free

Mark the correct options. This is a noun error detection quiz.

1. The earth looks blue from space. Her beauty is remarkable.

(The Earth, the Moon, Nature, spring, car, city, are nouns. When you use them to define beauty and gracefulness, consider them as Feminine Gender and use Singular Pronoun- she, her, and herself)
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Correct! Wrong!

Her beauty

2. A lady-teacher is teaching in the class.

(The word “woman” signifies gender instead of the word “lady”)
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A woman-teacher

3. Every student must finish their homework on time.

(Either, each, every, and neither are common gender pronouns. When you don’t have the idea of the gender, use masculine singular pronouns (he, him, his, or himself) for them.)
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Correct! Wrong!

finish his homework

4. No one should neglect her duty.

With “no one, someone, and everyone, we use singular masculine pronouns- he, his, and him.
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Correct! Wrong!

neglect his duty

5. Her daughter is her prince.

Correct! Wrong!


6. This is Shakespeare’s novel, you love to read it.

(Use apostrophe ‘s’ to show possession with living things)
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Correct! Wrong!

Shakespeare’s novel

7. Spring’s flowers make the season brighter and peaceful.

Don’t use apostrophe ‘s’ with non living things.
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Correct! Wrong!


8. The building’s decoration is not so attractive.

Correct! Wrong!

The building decoration

9. We have an appointment with a lady-doctor today.

It is always “woman-doctor” because the word “woman” signifies gender.
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Correct! Wrong!


10. Can you bring one and a half kilo sugar from the market?

It is always one and a half + plural nouns.
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Correct! Wrong!

one and a half kilo

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